Brickwalls, yes that is the keyword of Sergei Bobrovsky's mask art. Me and Sergei have worked together for many years, it it always so exciting to create Sergei's mask art.. I am so proud to be your personal artist Sergei! 😃
It was so fun to create and paint this piece, the design is a direct continuation of his previous Brickwall-masks.
The brickwall all over the mask in total harmony with the uniform of The Blue Jackets. And the closer you come to the mask the more details you will discover and the mask transforms in front of your eyes. 🎨
When you are really close you will find the Bobrovsky Code, and the mask becomes a Storyteller design. Many of these details can only be seen live..!
Just as usual the design is loaded with DAVEART Trademark Super FX 💎, among them the incredibly popular hologram FX 2.0 and 3-D PaintTech... Only from DAVEART 👍
You are welcome to check out the mask in the mask gallery or on our Facebook page. You´ll also find a lot of behind the scene photos on our Instagram, and you´re welcome to follow us also on Twitter.
Thank you all, much more to come!