Steve Mason's new Philadelphia Flyers mask is a direct continuation of his past Twilight Zone masks. In these designs we want to recreate the feeling you have when you wake up from a really bad nightmare…
I love to be your painter Steve :-)
We dig even deeper in the unpleasant details, to create a true horror mask… And not only that, in this design Steve´s own dog shows up as well…
On a distance it's a scary and stitched skull mask with the Philly logos stitched to the mask… and when you come closer you aren't sure what you're seeing, we wanted to create a scary feeling. You will discover so much details all over the mask, details that tells a story of horror, you will find morbid faces, skulls, a shark attack, dripping blood and so much more…
The design is pumped with all the Super FX, just what I love to do.
You are welcome to check out the mask in the mask gallery, in the App or on our Facebook page.
Thank you all.