In his new New Jersey Devils mask Max Clermont will be transformed into a capricorn…🐐
Behind every mask it is a unique story… Max had such a cool idea for his new mask…🎨 He is a capricorn, so he wanted a capricorn on the mask in a cool way… I brainstormed and came up with an idea, how about transform the mask into a capricorn head… so Max literally becomes a capricorn 🐐 when he put on the mask with the huge horns on the top… I made some test drawings and it worked. Max loved it and I started to paint…🎨
The design is created as a so called 2 in 1 design… on a distance it is a clean cut capricorn design, and when you come closer to the design it opens up, and you will explore the design and it crystallizes in front of your eyes into a full-blown New Jersey Devils mask...😬
It is in the details the story of the masks comes to us…👊
As usual it is loaded with all the DAVEART Trademark Super FX…💎
Thanks Max, I am so proud to be your personal artist!😃
You are welcome to check out the mask in the mask gallery or on our Facebook page. You´ll also find a lot of behind the scene photos on our Instagram, and you´re welcome to follow us also on Twitter.
Thank you all.❤️