Monday, February 2, 2015

Tick Tick Boom on Tokarski´s new Canadiens mask...💥💥

Montreal Canadiens

Today we have the pleasure to present Dustin Tokarski´s new Montreal Canadiens mask…💥🎨

A mask created with the strongest brick wall, and it is also plastered… but hey what is going on😱, something is breaking out from the brick wall… the creature is stronger than ever! Yep, it´s The Tick! Nothing can stop a guy with those muscles…💪

The design is loaded with details all over the mask and all the DAVEART Trademark Super FX 💎, details that creates the story of the mask.📚

The closer you come to the mask the more details opens up and the mask transforms in front of your eyes…👊

Dustin, I am so proud to work and create and paint for you!😃

You are welcome to check out the mask in the mask gallery or on our Facebook page. You´ll also find a lot of behind the scene photos on our Instagram, and you´re welcome to follow us also on Twitter.

Thank you all for your interest!❤️