Watch out villains…! Anaheim Duck´s Danish goalie Frederik Andersen is…. Lego DuckMan - The Dark Duck…!👊💥
Frederik Andersen is a huge Lego fan, just like me :) And since Frederik is from Denmark🇩🇰, just like Lego, Frederik wanted to pay tribute to the coolest toy ever :) His Lego mask from last year was a huge success… and he comes the next chapter..🎨
Frederik is transformed into a superhero, The DuckMan…! Of course with the awesome old school Ducks logo on his chest, and the coolest weapon ever… a Lego goalie stick💪 Even the awesome Ducks logos on the sides are transformed into the DuckMan…! 😎
The mask is loaded with all the insane DAVEART Trademark Super FX💎, and among them the GLOW Tech FX 2.0💡, so it glows in the dark, as the true Dark Duck he is…🌴
Thanks Freddie, I am so proud to be your artist and evolve and create and paint for you.💣 And be ready, Freddie and I have lots of more cool stuff in the pipeline…👍
You are welcome to check out the mask in the mask gallery or on our Facebook page. You´ll also find a lot of behind the scene photos on our Instagram, and you´re welcome to follow us also on Twitter.
Thank you all, much more to come!
The Minifigure is a trademark and/or copyright of the LEGO Group, used here with permission.