Sunday, November 9, 2014

Bobkov´ Ducks bucket is here… direct from the attic...

Anaheim Ducks

Watch out, Igor Bobkov´s smoking hot Ducks bucket is here… and it come direct from the attic…

We wanted to create a design that looks old… like it has been laying in the attic for decades...old and used and dusty…

But the look of the mask totally changes in front of your eyes when the mask turns around… because it is loaded with DAVEART Trademark Super FX :)

In black and white and gold it delivers a very badass Ducks creation. On a distance it is a clean cut design, and the closer you come the more violent and more used it gets, and really up close the mask is so old and scratchy… and not only that, it is rust coming from the screws…!

The DAVEART Hologram FX 2.0 details in the design transport the mask into a new era, fully pumped with all the DAVEART Trademark Super FX…

I love to evolve and try to come up with new design ideas day in day out… :)

Thanks Igor, I am so proud to be your personal artist!

You are welcome to check out the mask in the mask gallery or on our Facebook page. You´ll also find a lot of behind the scene photos on our Instagram, and you´re welcome to follow us also on Twitter.

Thank you all for your interest :)