Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Cannata´s new Orca bucket 👊🏻

Vancouver Canucks

Today we have the pleasure to unleash the lastest Vancouver Canucks mask artwork for Joe Cannata.🎨

The new design is the next chapter in the Cannata Mask Saga. A clean cut Canucks design created in the old school era. And the closer you come the more details you will discover and the mask transforms in front of your eyes.🔎

A design that live and breath Vancouver Canucks in every detail.❤️

For sure it is loaded with all the DAVEART Trademark Super FX💎, among them 3D Paint Tech✨ and GhostSmoke👻 and so much more...

Thanks Joe! I love to be your artist!😀

You are welcome to check out the mask in the mask gallery or on our Facebook page. You´ll also find a lot of behind the scene photos on our Instagram, and you´re welcome to follow us also on Twitter.

Thank you all for your interest.❤️