Welcome Vitek Vanecek of the Washington Capitals!👍🏻
His new mask goes in the old school style, filled with a dimension of details all over the mask🔎. I love to create these 2 in 1 designs, designs which transforms in front of your eyes the closer you come.
Just as usual you will find all the DaveArt Trademark Super FX💎 here, among them 3D PaintTech🌟 and Metallic FX✨ and GhostSmoke👻 and much more.
Thanks Vitek! And Vitek and I have already more cool stuff in the pipeline.😀
You are welcome to check out the mask in the mask gallery or on our Facebook page. You´ll also find a lot of behind the scene photos on our Instagram, and you´re welcome to follow us also on Twitter.
Thank you all for your interest.🎯